We ensure that all items packed are free of damage. Please be advised that some products may become defective during transit, but we will try our best to prevent this from happening. Unfortunately we are not responsible for the way couriers handle the products.


We generally ship products 3-4 business days after processing is completed. Please note that some products ordered in Extra Small or Small are special requests and may require more processing time. This is typically around 5 days.


As mentioned previously, all items are free of damage and defects when shipped from us. However, although we pack your items securely, some items may become damaged while in transit. If your items are damaged and you are unhappy, then please contact us within 7 days of receiving along with some photos showing proof. We will check the validity and if we determine the items were damaged while en-route, we will deal with the situation accordingly.

Damaged items will be validated and assessed, and the result is at the discretion of our staff.

If we have made a mistake with your order, we will be sure to resolve the situation and send a new order at no extra costs.

No refunds are available if you have provided us with a wrong address.


We only collect information that you choose to give us, and we process it with your consent, or on another legal basis; we only require the minimum amount of personal information which is necessary to fulfil the purpose of your interaction with us, and we do not sell it nor share it to any third parties.


We currently use one payment gateway on our site, Stripe. Please read below:

We use a secure payment gateway known as Stripe to process card payments. Stripe is certified to the highest industry standards and has obtained regulatory licenses around the world. They have a PCI DSS Level 1 certification and only process payments on secure SSL domain names, which means all information is securely encrypted. Please read about Stripe’s security here.

We will never share any details with third-parties.

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